Venturing into the ocean in search of new spearfishing spots is an exciting aspect of the sport. Each dive offers the potential to discover an underwater haven teeming with life. However, identifying a spot that promises both safety and success requires attention to various environmental factors. This blog post will guide you through what to look for when diving into new waters, ensuring a rewarding spearfishing experience.


1. Analysing the Ocean Bed:

The composition of the ocean floor is a significant indicator of fish presence.

  • Sandy Bottoms vs. Rocky Beds: Sandy areas often attract different species than rocky or reef areas. Rocky bottoms and reefs usually host more diverse and larger fish.
  • Seagrass Beds: These are excellent for finding smaller species, which in turn attract larger predators.


2. Assessing Water Depth:

Depth plays a crucial role in the types of fish you can encounter.

  • Shallow Waters: Ideal for beginners, offering easier access to fish and safer diving conditions.
  • Deep Waters: More suitable for experienced spearfishers, often home to larger species.


3. Identifying Rock Formations and Coral:

Rock formations and coral reefs are hotspots for marine life.

  • Crevices and Overhangs: Such areas provide shelter for fish, making them excellent spots for ambush.
  • Healthy Coral Reefs: Indicate a thriving ecosystem, often bustling with a variety of fish species.


4. Visibility Considerations:

Good visibility is not only important for safety but also for spotting fish.

  • Water Clarity: Clear water is ideal for spotting fish from a distance.
  • Light Penetration: Bright, sunny days improve underwater visibility, while overcast conditions can reduce it.


5. Observing Bait Fish and Marine Life:

The presence of bait fish often indicates larger predators nearby.

  • Schools of Bait Fish: These can attract game fish, making them a good indicator of a promising spearfishing spot.
  • Diversity of Marine Life: A varied ecosystem suggests a healthy, productive spot.


6. Understanding Currents:

Currents affect both safety and the presence of fish.

  • Mild Currents: Can bring nutrients and bait fish, attracting larger fish.
  • Strong Currents: Pose safety risks and can make spearfishing challenging.


7. Additional Factors to Consider:

Several other elements are also worth considering.

  • Temperature Variations: Some fish prefer specific temperature ranges, so understanding how water temperature varies with depth and location is helpful.
  • Local Knowledge: Consult with local divers and fishermen for insights on promising spots.
  • Accessibility: Consider how easy it is to reach and navigate the area, especially if you are diving from the shore.


8. Environmental Responsibility:

Always be mindful of the environment when choosing a spearfishing spot.

  • Avoid Disturbing Sensitive Areas: Be cautious around fragile ecosystems like coral reefs.
  • Sustainable Practices: Choose spots that are not overfished and always follow local regulations.



Finding a new spearfishing spot is a thrilling and rewarding part of the sport. By carefully observing the ocean bed, water depth, rock formations, coral, visibility, marine life, and currents, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to always prioritize safety and environmental responsibility on your underwater adventures. With the right approach and a keen eye, the ocean’s depths can reveal some truly spectacular spearfishing spots. Happy hunting!

Written by Scott Simpson

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