New South Wales (NSW) boasts some of Australia's most spectacular spearfishing locations, from the vibrant reefs off Byron Bay to the kelp forests of Montague Island. Each season in NSW brings a different underwater spectacle, offering spearos the chance to target a wide variety of species in diverse environments. Here's your guide to making the most of NSW's seasonal spearfishing opportunities.

Summer: Pelagic Paradise

Summer in NSW waters is all about the pelagic action. Warm currents bring a host of fast-moving species within reach of the keen spearo.

Target Species

  • Kingfish: These powerful fighters are a prized catch, often found around offshore structures and headlands. Look for them at places like Fish Rock and Julian Rocks.
  • Spanish Mackerel: With the warm currents, Spanish mackerel make their way down the coast. Clear, bluewater days off the northern NSW coast are perfect for encountering these speedy predators.


  • Early mornings are best for targeting pelagic species as they're more active and less wary.
  • Use flashers to attract curious pelagics and prepare for a fast, decisive shot.

Autumn: Estuary Expeditions and Reef Residents

As the heat of summer wanes, many species seek the shelter of estuaries or move to the reefs, providing spearfishers with abundant opportunities.

Target Species

  • Bream and Blackfish (Luderick): These species start to populate estuaries. For bream, try around structure like jetty pylons; for blackfish, look around rocky outcrops and weed beds.
  • Snapper: Autumn marks the beginning of the snapper season, especially on offshore reefs. They can be quite skittish, so a stealthy approach is essential.


  • Dusk and dawn are prime times for estuary species and snapper alike. Patience and minimal water disturbance are key to success.

Winter: The Cool Water Challenge

Winter might deter the fair-weather fisher, but for the dedicated spearo, it offers unique opportunities, particularly for bottom-dwelling species.

Target Species

  • Rock Lobster: The cooler months are ideal for hunting these crustaceans along rocky reefs and drop-offs.
  • Flathead: This is also a great time for flathead in sandy areas adjacent to seagrass beds, particularly in estuaries like the Hawkesbury River.


  • For rock lobsters, carefully check under ledges and in crevices. A dive light can be helpful in spotting them.
  • When hunting flathead, look for the distinctive shape or “flatties” lying in the sand, often camouflaged.

Spring: The Season of Abundance

Spring sees a resurgence of life in NSW waters as water temperatures begin to rise, bringing with them a variety of species.

Target Species

  • Squid: They are abundant in spring, especially around Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay. Night diving with a torch can yield great results as squid are attracted to the light.
  • Australian Salmon: Schools of Australian salmon can be found along the coast, particularly around headlands and in bays. Keep an eye out for bird activity that can indicate their presence.


  • For squid, move slowly and keep your light steady to attract them closer.
  • Approach salmon schools cautiously from the side or rear to avoid scattering them.

In NSW, the turn of each season unveils new challenges and opportunities for spearfishers. By understanding the seasonal shifts and behavior of target species, spearos can enjoy year-round success. Always practice sustainable spearfishing techniques, respect marine protected areas, and ensure you're familiar with local regulations to help conserve NSW's incredible marine biodiversity for future generations. Happy hunting!

Written by Scott Simpson

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